After all the work I put into producing various doll creation utilities, I am delighted to be able to present a number of all-Acorn dolls (cue loud fanfare and cheering...)
I should stress that I am not the author of most these dolls (I have the programming skills to write !PlayKISS et al, but unfortunately not the artistic skills to create KiSS dolls). The anonymous author wishes to remain so, but if you have any comments email me and I'll pass your comments on.
All dolls appear by kind permission of the authors.
A superb demonstration of what can be done with FKISS!
Hint: try undoing the buttons
More clever FKISS from the author of kiss_a1
Version 2
Same author; same FKISS; rather more children-safe than the two above, though.
Same author; same use of FKISS
Same author. He describes this one as "a rather disappointing experiment".
The one is a very modest girl, and easily offended. You may need to refer to the help file to overcome her modesty. To my mind, this is one of the best so far, both technically and for the humour.
The author describes this one as "More a game than a doll". She will only allow you to remove clothing after you give her a sweet, and the sweets are hidden in, under or behind various objects in the scene.
If you're familiar with the artist's previous works, it won't take you long to get the hang of this doll. If you are having difficulty, the archive includes a help file.
Another dancer for your entertainment, but you have to pay this one to dance...
There is a hints file inside the archive. I suspect you may have to use it.
This one is a response to those who have commented that all these dolls are blue-eyed blondes!
There is a help file in he archive.
No, not that sort of tramp! Extrenely silly, but rather fun...
Another brunette.
A "Lunar Lander" game. My very first home grown set...
Another doll from the anonymous king of FKISS.
It took me a long time to work out where this doll gets her name, but it does make sense, honest.
The archive contains a help file - you may well need it!
You could say that this set really demonstrates the magic of FKISS.
Someone to fulfill all your fantasies.
Another superb set.
The author reckons that this is the most technically sophisticated doll yet.
Once a king always a king, but once a knight is enough for anyone...
By popular request (well, one person, anyway), a nurse.
This artist just keeps getting better and better!
I must confess to cheating on this one - there is a help file in the archive, and I had to resort to it 8-(
Another tricky one. The archive contains detailed instructions.
A more conventional doll than Magician - no tricks, just remove the clothes.
Another nice one. If you need it, the archive contains help.
Biology lessons were never like this when I was at school 8-(.
This is one rather gross - but persevere and you'll get your reward.
Not as complicated as some of the earlier offerings, but still well worth a look.
You'll need to be very disarming to solve this doll. (Sorry, couldn't resist it!).
This version is a bug fix - the earlier version did not function correctly on faster PCs.
If you have any difficulty, a little bird will tell you what to do.
A doll from an Australian artist, also a RISC OS user.
Another doll from Centauri.