KiSS programs on this site

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Comparison of features offered by the programs

The general conclusion is that AKiss is not as slick as the other two (although the CEL <--> sprite conversion in AKiss is very useful if you wish to build your own sets). If your hardware is up to it then PlayKISS or RiscKiSS is the program of choice, especially as they both support the French KiSS extensions. FKiSS 2 dolls are now common, so the lack of FKiSS 2 in RiscKiSS is beginning to make it look somewhat dated; the lack of support for the more complex colour models (Cherry KiSS and extended palette variants) exacerbates this.

PlayKISS has the most flexible and forgiving loader, but the RiscKiSS loader is faster, so you pays your phone bill and downloads the program of your choice.

PlayKISS support for FKISS2

!PlayKISS supports all the FKiSS 2.1 features proposed by Chad Randall, with the sole exception of the "music" function, which plays a MIDI file. Unfortunately, I don't understand MIDI, so this poses a slight problem. I'm currently playing with a demo version of ReMIDI, and when I have fully grokked it, I'll add support for "music" to PlayKISS.

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